Best of the Bearcats

Please help us congratulate these AMAZING Bearcats! Thank you for the contributions you make to our school community every day. YOU ARE THE BEST!

Gabriella Horton, Nominated by a Colleague

I think Gabriella should be recognized because many people may not know about her and she may be overlooked, but she is far more than her job responsibilities and vital to our team and functioning. Gabriella is always willing to help. Many times, I am asking for her help with items that may not even be within the scope of her position, but she never seems to be irritated or frustrated with me. If she doesn’t know, she will listen and act as a sounding board. If there is a situation when others are not available, she helps me talk through things. Again, even if it is not in the scope of her responsibilities, she has more experience than me. She has helped me many times by discussing various scenarios or similar situations to help me make a call on how to handle a procedure if it is an outlier or which administrator it should be shared with given the circumstances. If there is a financial or account question, often Gabriella is one of first people to ask. She is very intelligent and has a very investigative approach to things. If it is something she doesn’t know, she doesn’t tell me no she helps anyway by exhausting all possible avenues in an effort to find a solution or answer. She shows exceptional kindness. She practices sound judgment and follows procedure to the best of her abilities. She has a gentle approach, and it has been a privilege to get to know her character and her interests.


Nate Hubbard, Nominated by a Student

Mr. Hubbard is one of the best teachers I have ever had. Not only has he helped me excel in academics, but in multiple aspects of life as well. I and many other students can agree that he deserves the title of Best of the Bearcats, especially since he is moving school systems after this year. If there's one teacher who truly demonstrates going above and beyond, it would undoubtedly be Mr. Hubbard. His commitment to staying educated on the interests and passions of his students is unmatched, allowing him to establish a personal connection with each of us. Additionally, Mr. Hubbard's dedication is evident in the unique approach he takes when designing assignments, tailoring them to reflect current global events, while also making every assignment interesting and engaging. Stepping into his classroom is an adventure in itself, as you never know what surprises await. One day, he might organize a thrilling rock, paper, scissors tournament, while on another, he could encourage dance move competitions or take great pleasure in students serenading the class with their own renditions of Taylor Swift songs. When it comes to making exceptional contributions, Hubbard is the man. His dedication knows no bounds. Not only has he selflessly offered his classroom, Smart Board, planning period, and lunchtime to accommodate dual enrollment students, providing them with a “productive” space to work, but he has also gone above and beyond by supporting many of us through challenging personal struggles. His commitment to our well-being is unwavering, truly commendable, and sets him apart as a remarkable educator. Hubbard also stands out as one of the most reliable teachers out there. Not only can we count on Mr. Hubbard to be at school every day, but we can rely on a drawer stocked with candy and a listening ear. It is unfortunately rare for adults to genuinely listen to and validate the concerns of teenagers, often we are disregarded or overlooked. However, Mr. Hubbard breaks this pattern by offering his full attention to our teenage rants. His willingness to hear us out and provide support shows just how exceptional he is. He also puts up with our tomfoolery and relentless teasing about him being from Kansas. His smirks and chuckles when we say something completely ridiculous always make our day.


Jinx Rasmussen, Nominated by a Colleague

For teacher appreciation week, Jinx went to the Virginia Lottery office and asked them to donate lottery tickets for the teachers. They not only gave us all scratch lottery tickets, but they also gave out teacher appreciation thank you cards for students to fill out for their favorite teachers. Jinx gave those out to lots of students who then filled them out for their teachers. Many teachers got a special surprise letter of appreciation from a student due to Jinx's efforts. Jinx has worked for years with the Marsh Blood Center to increase blood donations from VHS students, parents, and teachers. Due to her efforts, most seniors walk across the stage at graduation wearing a red cord or red and white cord for blood donation. Jinx is a member of VSELA (Virginia Science Education Leaders Association) and VAST (Virginia Association of Science Teachers). She has represented VHS at annual meetings of those associations for years. Jinx has been tutoring biology students who have previously failed the Biology SOL. Due to her efforts, many students have passed the retake. Jinx is always going above and beyond to do extra professional development. She goes to science conferences and field trips during her summer break.


Sara Kate Tallman, Nominated by a Colleague

She works past contracted hours to make her music performances beautiful and organized, and she interacts with students with so much extra love and comfort, especially if a student is having a rough day. Winter Wonderland was her baby: she created this magical experience for our students since COVID, and it only continues to grow and increase in grandeur every year! She adds sparkle to anyone's day, student, and teacher alike! When Winter Wonderland expanded to all four schools: Sara Kate jumped right in. She wanted all the elementary kiddos to be able to get in on this magical experience, so she organized, raised awareness, and rolled up her sleeves for set-up. If anyone had a question about anything, she was ready with a direct answer! She is the one I go to for clarification about drills, procedures, or any inner-working necessities of the schools. She has always been an excellent mentor towards me.
